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Quality Measures


  • Quality Measurements as reported on Hospital Compare
  • Posted on 07/08/2022 - Quality data on this website is updated annually.

This report is based on information from Hospital Compare, a website created through the efforts of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, along with the Hospital Quality Alliance (HQA). The HQA is a public-private collaboration established to promote reporting on hospital quality of care.

For more extensive quality data, visit the Hospital Compare website, which is updated quarterly.

Longleaf Hospital
44 Versailles Blvd
Alexandria, LA 71303
(855) 403-4519

Timely & Effective Care

Cancer Care

Measure Number of Patients Hospital Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Cataract Surgery Outcome

Measure Number of Patients Hospital Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Colonoscopy Care

Measure Number of Patients Hospital Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Sepsis Care

Measure Number of Patients Hospital Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Timely Heart Attack Care

Measure Number of Patients Hospital Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Timely Emergency Department Care

Measure Number of Patients Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Preventive Care

Measure Number of Patients Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Stroke Care

Measure Number of Patients Hospital Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Blood Clot Prevention and Treatment

Measure Number of Patients Hospital Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Pregnancy and Delivery Care

Measure Number of Patients Hospital Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Survey of Patients' Experiences

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS)

Survey question Measure Percent Measure Percent Measure Percent Star Rating
No Data are available for this hospital.

Readmissions, Complications and Deaths

30-Day Risk Adjusted Mortality Rates

Measure Hospital Predicted Range National Average
Number Patients Mortality Rate from to
No Data are available for this hospital.

30-Day Risk Adjusted Readmission Rates

Measure Hospital Predicted Range National Average
Number Patients Readmission Rate from to
No Data are available for this hospital.

Visit Rates Following OP Procedure

Measure Hospital Predicted Range National Average
Number Patients Readmission Rate from to
No Data are available for this hospital.

Hospital Return Days

Measure Hospital Predicted Range National Average
Number Patients Readmission Rate from to
No Data are available for this hospital.

Surgical Complications

Measure Hospital Predicted Range National Average
Number Patients Rate from to
No Data are available for this hospital.

Healthcare Associated Infections

Measure Hospital Score State Score
No Data are available for this hospital.

Payment and Value of Care

Use of Medical Imaging

Measure Hospital Footnotes Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary

Measure Hospital Score National Average State Average
No Data are available for this hospital.

Measures of Psychiatric Facilities

Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting (IPFQR)

Measure Hospital Score National Average State Average
HBIPS-2. Hours of physical-restraint use 0.01/1,000 0.30% 0.07%
HBIPS-3. Hours of seclusion 0.01/1,000 0.29% 0.06%
HBIPS-5. Patients discharged on multiple antipsychotic medications with appropriate justification 89.00% 64.00% 68.00%
IMM-2. Influenza immunization 92.00% 79.00% 76.00%
MedCoPsy. Medication Continuation Following Inpatient Psychiatric Discharge 75.20 73.10% 75.60%
SMD. Screening for metabolic disorders 92.00 77.00% 78.00%
SUB-2. Alcohol use brief intervention provided or offered 96.00 79.00% 87.00%
SUB-2A. Alcohol use brief intervention received 78.00 72.00% 74.00%
SUB-3. Alcohol and other drug use disorder treatment provided or offered at discharge 67.00 75.00% 82.00%
SUB-3A. Alcohol and other drug use disorder treatment receieved 30.00 63.00% 62.00%
TOB-2. Tobacco use treatment provided or offered 97.00 80.00% 89.00%
TOB-2A. Tobacco use treatment received 1.00 45.00% 41.00%
TOB-3. Tobacco use treatment provided or offered at discharge 54.00 61.00% 81.00%
TOB-3A. Tobacco use treatment received at discharge 1.00 21.00% 35.00%
TR1. Transition record with specified elements received by discharged patients 96.00 69.00% 82.00%
TR2. Timely transmission of transition record 96.00 60.00% 74.00%
FUH-30. Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness within 30 days 42.40% 49.50% 47.70%
FUH-7. Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness within 7 days 24.70% 27.90% 30.70%